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Remember your roots

Time when the fire, snow and the roots came together to speak about different phases in their life and how they all coexists.
Burn yourself to feel the warmth

Just like light enters from every possible space, we humans tend to burn ourselves in most possible ways too.

First, we burn ourselves with inhibitions when trying to take the first step towards our dreams.

Then we start burning by giving our all, and sometimes more than what we can as we start moving towards the dreams.

Then we burn ourselves with the overthinking that comes when we discover the maze-like twists in our path towards the goals.

This process continues till we fall cold. Once we fall cold, reaching our goal doesn't exactly excite us anymore. Those small moments we once loved, seem nothing now, and we start forgetting our roots and how our fire started.

During such times is when we tend to forget that we may have fallen cold, but the warmth left from fire still lives on.

So either we let the warmth turn cold as well, or like the light we can find cracks and spaces to let the warmth in and burn in the fire of hope yet again.

Falling cold

Much like how the body experiences numbeness after being exposed to cold conditions for some time, being exposed to constant telling on what and how to do things leads us to fall cold, as they act like cold water to the fire that we burn ourselves in to stay warm.

What's essential is the kind of thoughts we expose ourselves to. Our mind and body is shaped from the kind of energies our thoughts hold.

And just like we can't stop the snow from falling, more oftem than thought, we can't stop our thoughts from flowing as well. But what we CAN do is give better direction to our actions and reactions arising out of them.

We protect ourselves from the snow with warm clothes and tents. Similarly we can protect our fire from cold, with warmer thoughts and actions. 

It takes more than just surviving the circumstances to LIVE, and while the snow is natural, so is your will and attempts at staying warm.

So don't let the cold burn your fire out. Stay warm.

Remember your roots

Just like how it all starts with sowing and watering a seed, it all starts with a dream that we dreamt of with eyes wide open. 

Once we water, tend to, and give the seed everything that it needs for a healthy growth, we wait for it to sprout a beautiful plant that grows on to become a mighty tree. 
But what we forget is, that the growth of the unseen. The growth that happens below the ground, that happens downwards, the one that gives the tree its actual strength- the roots. 

While your beautiful flowers, fruits and leaves are what the world will see and appreciate, it's your roots that will keep you steady in storms, give you the nourishment to sustain even if no one outside does, and give you the strength and support to stay the mighty self that you're meant to be as it keeps you grounded to the health of the earth, even as you grow to touch the skies. 

The roots are the most essential support to our uniqueness, our growth, and our dreams. 

They stay in the fire and the cold and give us the balance and warmth that we need to keep going. 

To new outlooks in life- onwards and downwards, as we soar upwards!
Doesn't matter if your are burning or falling cold, just remember your roots.
Remember your roots

Remember your roots
